Saturday, January 10, 2009

Save $10 at

Save $10 on your first order at with code BAYL6355.

A Cloth Diapering Mama is advertising for

Well, I was surprised as well to see the vast selection they offer. They even have a tab on the top labeled "Green Baby" with their eco-friendly products.

Besides regular sposies and wipes, they also have baby food (organic too!), bottles (BPA free!), clothing, toys, breastfeeding supplies, skin care, detergents, and more!

They carry eco-friendly sposies for those who need something to fall back on and eco-friendly disposable wipes. They even carry Cloth Diapers - including Kushies, Bumkins, bumGenius, Happy Heinys and gDiapers.

So, go ahead, save $10 off your first order of CD's at and then come back to my store for the rest of your stash! No shipping charges with in-store pickup! Plus you can see and feel the diapers at my store. Leading to my next post...

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