Saturday, January 10, 2009


Welcome to my blog!
I never thought I'd write a blog before. The same as I swore I wouldn't read Harry Potter or Twilight. Or have a Facebook page... There are just some things that turn out to be a better idea than when you first thought about it.
So how did I get here? Well I started reading Harry Potter after my high school English teacher, who I really liked, recommended it. I figure if she's read it, it might actually be good. I started reading Twilight when my friend said she didnt think she'd find anything as good as Harry Potter ever again... until she read Twilight. And then I realized the entire world (well at least part of my small world) was also reading it! And I created a Facebook page when I realized how many people are on Facebook. I still dont really know how to use it, but almost all the Cloth Diaper (CD) companies have pages. And bumGenius even had a photo contest. But I'm still not obsessed with it... yet.
Oh, and my blog. Well I've always liked writing. I used to write all the time in school. I never considered writing a blog but have noticed that many do have them. So I thought I'd give it a shot. All the musings in my head (well, some of them) I will now share with you!
Be forewarned!

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